Anniversaries status for facebook

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Anniversaries status for facebook
Celebrating Anniversaries on Facebook |.Fellowship of Reconciliation - Nyack, NY.

16.12.2009 · As much as I enjoy celebrating my birthday every year with my friends, I often regard the anniversary of my relationship with my significant other to be
Luca Pisaroni | Facebook
Luca Pisaroni. 4,264 likes · 1,510 talking about this.
Fellowship of Reconciliation, Nyack, NY. 4,367 likes · 878 talking about this · 139 were here.
Celebrating Anniversaries on Facebook |.
16.12.2009 · Find out what's happening behind the scenes at Facebook. Facebook employees give first hand accounts of new features, products, and goings-on around the
Anniversaries status for facebook
Celebrating Anniversaries on Facebook |. The Facebook Blog | Facebook.